Când somnul bate în pleoape




în trupul meu se învolburau izvoare
împrospătând păduri și câmpuri uscate
eram când frunză
când iarbă
pluteam sau creșteam
într-o deplină libertate

în acel spațiu nesfârșit și viu
chipul schilod al fricii
se scufundă în propria-i neputință

sub puterea strigătului de biruință
al unei case zidite peste noapte
de propria-mi dorință

înaintez în salturi
nu sunt iarbă
nu sunt frunză
sunt câmp pârjolit de nu știu ce viscol

casa visată pare construită pe tărâm mișcător
se depărtează
ia cu sine bătăile inimii mele
în nedorita noapte

vreau să ajung la sânul vieții
să mă hrănesc cu ce mi se cuvine
să trec granița înspre adevărata trăire
sau să intru în uitarea din care
să înmuguresc din nou
fruct uscat pe-o creangă

îmi întorc privirea spre secunda în care
somnul bătea în pleoape
îmi regăsesc chipul decupat din propria-mi umbră

din volumul Scrisoare către nimeni, Corina Victoria Sein, Editura Excelsior Art



21 comentarii la “Când somnul bate în pleoape

    • you will not sink any where but in my arms and in happiness of relaxing..of being treated like a queen…reschedule all your programs and come….just listen to me for once……..


  1. when you come here, you will just sleep and eat and relax.I will cook for you chicken, lamb,fish…..and i will make Indian cuisine for you……all you need to do is recoup and relax so that when you go back to your country, you are fit as a fiddle and will be able to work with a happy mind and happy body :):):):):):)

    Apreciat de 1 persoană

      • of course Corina, i am your friend and friends are supposed to feel for each other !! i want to make you healthy and well and also show you my country :):):):):) your boarding and lodging is absolutely free as you will be living with us at home,maybe you can take me with you on a short holiday to the jungle resorts in India?????hahahahaha
        you can enjoy the countryside, see the villages see the local people ,etc….and you can be free of any worries, just relax, put your feet up and enjoy yourself…:):):):):):)


      • We are friends for some years and i would like to meet you but you are too busy with your work. You need a holiday where you can relax and enjoy. and that you can do here with us..so take out 2-3 weeks atleast and come here and relax and enjoy and be pampered :):)


      • i honestly hope to see you, to meet you and to get you cured off all your ailments and in homeopathy, there are sweet medicines that will make you calmer and will help you control your tempers also :):):) thus make you enjoy life more…
        My respect for you is always there so Corina, whenever i repeat when ever you are free( which you will never be so you have to create some free time)just send me your flight details and i will be there to welcome you at the airport and then welcome you home :):):):):)
        I have planted some vegetables and flowers which have sprouted and have started growing and soon, we will be eating some spinach, tomatoes,radishes from my little garden..and the flowers will start blooming in a few weeks :):):):):)

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        • Preet,
          from point of view of health of are fine. I am convinced I shall be better if you take care of me.
          Failure to achieve Project visit in India, you know, has depended on my projects.
          Maybe this year I will have more time for myself.
          Vegetables and flowers. Wonderful.
          The imaginary are already in your garden.


          • what is your haemoglobin now? Just imagining yourself in the garden eating fresh vegetables…….convert it into a reality….)::):):):) Its all in your hands as to when you can take out time plan your projects ..it gets very hot from March end to October and in between there are rains…….
            So plan your trip accordingly…..

            Apreciat de 1 persoană

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